Regulatory Bulletins

Decisions made by the Commission to the General Order and Policies

2025 (01-30)

Notice of Independent Member Postions

2025 (01-22)

Notification of Election

2025 (01-02)

Revised General Order Feedback

2024 (12-04)

General Orders Revision

2024 (05-13)

Update on Expansion of Regulatory Area

2024 (03-27)

Independent Commissioner Appointment

2024 (02-02)

Notice of Position

2024 (02-02)

BCVMC Expands Regulatory Area

2023 (12-15)

Repeal of Interim Order to Preserve the Orderly Marketing of Storage Crops

2023 (06-02)

Levy Increase

2022 (01-25)

The British Columbia Vegetable Marketing Levies Order (SOR/2008-244) is repealed.

2020 (12-11)

British Columbia Vegetable Order (SOR/2020-0259)

2019  (11-18)

Interim Order to Preserve the Orderly Marketing of Storage Crops Pending Further Review

2017  (11-30)

Election Review Policy

2017  (01-09)

Red, Yellow, & Food Service Potato Delivery Allocation

2009  (03-26)

District Policy Hearing Decision