The Commission administers the Scheme by way of a sub-delegation of powers to licensed agencies. Designated agencies allow producers to organize into marketing groups. The designation of agencies is a critical component of industry regulation. It provides producers with the ability to organize themselves to maximize the opportunities and investment options not normally available to smaller producers or commodity groups. The purpose of an agency is to ensure that these marketing groups have the critical mass to compete against regional competitors. It is in the interest of the Commission and Orderly Marketing to ensure agencies have the tools and flexibility that is required for them to remain competitive.
BC Vegetable Marketing Commission List Of Agencies
BC Fresh Vegetables Inc.
Authorized Products:
Beets (tops off), Green Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Carrots (tops off), Onions, Parsnips, Potatoes (all types, varieties), Rutabaga, White (purple top) Turnips
BC Hot House Foods Inc.
Authorized Products:
Greenhouse Tomatoes (all types), Greenhouse Peppers (all types, including hot/spicy varieties), Greenhouse Cucumbers (all types)
Country Fresh Produce Inc.
Authorized Products:
Greenhouse Toatoes (all types), Greenhouse Peppers (all types), Greenhouse Cucumbers (all types)
Fraserland Organics Inc.
Authorized Products:
Organic potatoes (all types, varieties)
Greenhouse Delight Foods Inc.
Authorized Products:
Greenhouse Tomatoes (all types), Greenhouse Peppers (all types, including hot/spicy varieties), Greenhouse Cucumbers (all types), Greenhouse Lettuce
Greenhouse Grown Foods Inc.
Authorized Products:
Greenhouse Tomatoes (all types), Greenhouse Peppers (all types, including hot/spicy varieties), Greenhouse Cucumbers (all types), Greenhouse Lettuce
Island Vegetable Co-op Assn.
Authorized Products:
Beets (tops off), Green Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Carrots (tops off), Yellow Onions, Parsnips, Potatoes (all types, varieties), Rutabagas, White (purple top) Turnips, Greenhouse Tomatoes (all types), Greenhouse Peppers (all types, including hot/spicy varieties), Greenhouse Cucumbers (all types)
MPL British Columbia Distributors Inc.
Authorized Products:
Greenhouse Tomatoes, Greenhouse Peppers, Greenhouse Lettuce, Greenhouse Cucumbers
Okanagan Grown Produce Ltd.
Authorized Products:
Beets (tops off), Green Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Carrots (tops off), Yellow Onions, Parsnips, Potatoes (all types, varieties), Rutabagas, Greenhouse Tomatoes (all types), Greenhouse Peppers (all types, including hot/spicy varieties), Greenhouse Cucumbers (all types), Greenhouse Lettuce
Vancouver Island Farm Products Inc.
Authorized Products:
Potatoes, Beets (tops off), Red Cabbage, Green Cabbage, Carrots (tops off), Yellow Onions, Parsnips, Rutabagas, White (purple top) Turnips, Greenhouse Tomatoes (all types), Greenhouse Peppers (all types, including hot/spicy varieties), Greenhouse Cucumbers (all types), Greenhouse Lettuce
Village Farms Operations Canada Inc.
Authorized Products:
Greenhouse Tomatoes (all types), Greenhouse Peppers (all types, including hot/spicy varieties), Greenhouse Cucumbers (all types)