Growers Working for Growers

Orderly Marketing of BC Vegetables

The overall purpose of regulated marketing is to provide a framework for producer economic stability and to satisfy other related public interests. It is intended to benefit producers, the sector’s value chain, and the public.


The BC regulated vegetable industry is organized under the Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act (NPMA) and the British Columbia Vegetable Scheme (the Scheme). The Scheme prescribes the rules, procedures and application.


The Commission is the first instance regulator and acts by the authority delegated through the Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act and its Regulations. It is responsible for administering the Scheme, including coordinating producer activities, to ensure Orderly Marketing. Orderly Marketing is achieved through the promotion, control, and regulation of production, transportation, packing, storage, and marketing of vegetables.

The Commission’s General Order sets out the rules on how it manages the industry to ensure orderly marketing.


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In delivering its responsibilities, the Commission takes into account the economic stability of the industry, including producer price, and encourages growth of vegetable production in naturally strategic areas. To help support these actions the Commission pulls together current production and marketing data. The Commission also represents the interests of the industry inter-provincially, as well as nationally and internationally.
All vegetables grown in the province, including potatoes, and strawberries intended expressly for processing purposes, are subject to the Commission’s authority. However, most of the Commission’s substantive orders apply only to certain storage, processing, and greenhouse vegetables.

Centralized, coordinated marketing of regulated product is achieved by requiring producers to market regulated product grown by them through marketing agencies designated by the Commission (“Designated Agencies”). Agencies harness the collective marketing power of producers and are the means by which the Commission achieves its main policy objective of maximizing producer returns.

Under the Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act, BCFIRB is responsible for the general supervision of the Commission, including ensuring sound marketing policy. BCFIRB is also responsible for prior-approval in the designation of Agencies by the Commission under the NPMA Regulations, as well as hearing appeals of any Commission decision, determination, or Order.